Monday 25 April 2011

No 4th egg

The estimated time for the 4th egg, Wednesday afternoon, came and went...

At 6pm on Wednesday.

A nest relief Friday lunchtime, still 3 eggs

Couldn't resist this 'looking at camera' shot...

It's a bit difficult to pinpoint the exact time incubation started as they sat on the eggs pretty much constantly almost as soon as the first one was laid but if we take the usual time of when the penultimate egg is laid, that would be Friday 15th. 29 to 32 days from then is Saturday 14th May to Thursday 17th for hatching.

Day 10, so far so good. Most of the boredom relief was provided by some rain and thunder on Saturday as the falcon looked quite puzzled by the noise on the roof of the nestbox.

The rest of the time, she reorganises the pebbles in that semi-circle you can see on her left.

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